March 24, 2011

A Perfect Visual of Why We Strive for Bentgrass

On numerous occasions I have written on this blog explaining the many reasons we strive for predominantly bentgrass playing surfaces. Yesterday I happened upon the photos shown below. These are photos of a green that is made up of probably 90% Poa annua.

The superintendent at the course did everything right in helping these greens to make it through the winter in great condition. During the winter they experience a warm up (50's) followed by an immediate drop in temperature to well below freezing. The Poa flat out could not take it and it died. What is so strong about these photos is the contrast between the dead Poa and the completely healthy bentgrass. Both plants experienced the very same conditions, one died, one goes on as if nothing happened. This is why we favor and manage for bentgrass.

Northland Country Club Turfgrass Management

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