March 26, 2010

Trades Review - TopDown Images

TopDown Images LLC introduces TurfManager®, the first online turf management system with GPS imagery and detailed record keeping.

TurfManager is designed as an online ‘dashboard’ for turf managers and golf course superintendents to help manage multiple solutions that standardizes record keeping and processes, promote environmental sustainability, consolidate all real-time operational data into one platform accessible 24/7, meet compliance chemical reporting and identify costs for reduction.

TOPDOWN has achieved accurate record keeping by integrating two solutions: a GPS Visual solution that overlays assets, “as installed” configurations and other infrastructure overlays onto aerial imagery, along with the Maintenance Central solution, which is a record keeping system that tracks key success factors like labor, equipment, water, work and purchase orders, and chemical usage.

TurfManager consolidates record keeping into one internet-based platform accessible 24/7, provides sustainable solutions, develops ”Best of Class” processes, identifies costs to contain, and ensures accurate Government and regulatory agency compliance reporting. TurfManager fulfills the turf manager/superintendent’s need for a visual dashboard that uses a centralized one-stop-shop portal for total cost transparency. Identifying costs more accurately will result in better management and reduction of labor, inventory and equipment expense. TurfManager provides the turf manager with a quantifiable and sustainable ‘green orientation’. TurfManager provides a ‘bridge’ between General Management and the Superintendent/turf manager for collaborative planning and management. TurfManager is ideal for multiple course owners and management companies.

TopDown Images and employees have memberships in Audubon Int’l, USGA, GCSAA, GCBAA, IECA and ULI.

To learn more about TurfManager, visit or contact
Hugh J. Rundle, TopDown Images, at (585) 472-6515.

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